Friday, 14 June 2019


7 Quick Weight Loss Exercises in 4 Weeks

Seven wonderful exercises for fast weight loss that take only 10 minutes a day and help you transform every part of your body. Exercises can be difficult, as it is sometimes difficult to understand which of them are intended for specific parts of the body. In addition, finding time for them can also be quite difficult. That's why I found these seven quick weight loss exercises that target every part of your body and take only 10 minutes a day!

1. Planck

The plank is an amazing exercise in toning the buttocks, back and arms. Exercise takes only 60 seconds a day and is super simple. In order to make the right bar:
Cross your arms
Place your elbows shoulder-width under the chest
Raise the tailbone to straighten your back
Hold for 60 seconds

2. Push ups
Man Push-up on White Floor
Push ups are ideal for training the chest and arms. In order to do push ups correctly:
Place your arms across each chest.
Lower your arms so that your upper arm is parallel to the floor.

3. Squats
Side View Photo of Woman Doing Squats Against Black Background
Rise to the starting position
To make a perfect squat:
Place the feet on a straight surface.
Make sure your knees are level with your toes
The hips should be below the top of the knee.
Do not round the upper back
Hold your chest up

4. Turn the ball
Woman in White Cap Shirt on Stability Ball
Great exercise for the spine. All you need to do is:
Stand with your back to the wall
Bend your knees
Take the ball at chest level
Slowly turn from side to side.

5. Straight leg extension
Woman Sitting on Brown Wooden Chair Beside Coconut
This exercise is great for the hips and calves. For greater effect, use the ankles and wrists, also lifting up. This will give you extra resistance and more exercise.
Hold on hands and knees
Pull one leg up and back
At the same time, pull the opposite hand up and forward
Hold for five seconds
Return to the starting position and do the same with the opposite side.

6. Dead insect
Image result for Dead insect workout
Despite the terrible name, this exercise for quick weight loss is also great for the spine. Exercise has this name because a person looks like an insect lying on his back. Strange, I know, but the exercise works.
Lower one leg and arm almost to the floor, keeping the opposite leg and arm in the same position
Return to the starting position and do the same with the other side.

7. Stretching the legs in a dog pose
Photo of Topless Man Exercising on Yoga Mat
If you are familiar with the "dog pose" in yoga, then this exercise will be the easiest for you. It is designed to work the spine, hips and calves.
Start with the lower position of the dog, on all fours, press the heels to the floor
Straight one leg up, as shown in the upper figure.
Lower this leg down to your chest
Repeat with the other side

Four week plan
Now that you have exercises for quick weight loss, here’s a four week plan to keep yourself in shape and shape!

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