Monday, 27 May 2019


10 Rules for Sports and Health

1. What time of day is it suitable to exercise?

The right time to exercise is during the day.

Of course, we should avoid sports at night because it can cause sleeping difficulties.

Conversely, if we exercise during the day, we will have a better night's sleep.

2. How often should we train?

Set up your schedule so that if your leisure time is limited you can exercise even once a week.

3. What happens when we are tired?

One more reason to exercise.

Sport is an excellent "medicine" against fatigue.

So when you feel tired, the gym will help you relax, rest and have a better night's sleep.

You can do a mild activity, such as walking, or muscle strength exercises.

Eg, 45 minutes of slow walking is equivalent to 20 minutes of running.

If you feel very tired, walk instead of running.

4. At what age is it necessary to take an exam before starting a gym?

It depends! If the sport is strong enough, it is best to see a doctor before you start, regardless of your age.

The same applies if it has been a long time since the last time you were trained.

A general test is necessary for men over 35 years of age, for women over 45 years of age and for those who have problems with their health.

If you have already started exercising and feel chest pain, difficulty in breathing or general discomfort, it is necessary to have a medical examination to see why this is happening to you.

5. Can I drink energy drinks for more energy?

Energy drinks are recommended only to professional athletes.

If you exercise from one hour, two to three times a week, your body does not waste so much energy to need external energy intake.

Commercially marketed energy drinks are usually high in sugar and do not help in burning fat.

6. What are the best sports for health?

Regardless of your age and whether you are practicing systematically or not, the best sports for your health are endurance sports.

Aerobic exercise, unlike muscle strength exercises, improves overall cardiovascular endurance and respiratory function

7. What is the right pace to have when I run?
Four Men Running on
When you run, when you do aerobic exercise you need to be able to talk, just have a slight panting.

If you have difficulty breathing and talking, you should immediately lower the volume and follow a slower pace.

8. Do people with chronic illnesses (asthma, diabetes, cancer) be athletes?

Of course, sports activities are proposed to people with chronic illnesses.

Perhaps you need to follow specific precautions and tips, but physical exercise only benefits can have on people suffering from chronic diseases.

When we train, our body releases the hormone dopamine, the hormone of pleasure that has a lot of positive for our physical and psychological health.

9. Can sport compensate for the negative effects of smoking?

No. As intensely as you do, you will not compensate for the negative effects of smoking and the risks to your heart will still be the same.

The ideal is to reduce, if not completely, smoking.

If you start exercising systematically, it will definitely be easier for you.

10. Will I lose weight if I play?

Gymnastics alone will not help you lose weight.

For weight loss, exercise is needed in conjunction with diet.

But the gym only can stabilize your weight and help you get for a sculpted and trained body.

If you want to lose weight, a balanced, healthy diet combined with systematic exercise will help you get the desired result.

Do not forget that the muscle weighs more than fat, so if you have started exercising and the scale indicator does not go down it is perfectly normal.

Do not be discouraged!

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