Tuesday, 28 May 2019


Five tips for older people

How to maintain health and activity if you are over 55 years old? Five simple, but very useful tips on mos.ru from the main geriatrician of the Moscow Health Department Olga Tkacheva.

A pilot project for older citizens has begun work in Moscow, which will help improve health, gain new knowledge and skills, and develop creatively. The program includes, depending on the wishes of the participants, the most popular areas - sports clubs, creative laboratories, language classes in each district of the city. More than 35 thousand Muscovites have decided to participate in the project. All classes are free.

Is there a universal recipe for happy longevity? There are many ways and recommendations that everyone can follow. They help to maintain strength, health and maintain an active lifestyle as long as possible.

Everyone ages differently

People grow up in about the same way: in three years they pass through a crisis of self-identification, in six they read and write, from thirteen to seventeen they experience storms of transitional age. But the older we are, the more individual our development is.

According to the main geriatrist of Moscow, Olga Tkacheva, the aging process can vary greatly depending on the personal predispositions of a person, his diseases and lifestyle.

“Aging can be extremely variable. One person will be very active at 80, and another at the same 80 will be dependent on others, ”says the specialist.

Of course, the process still has common signs. With age, all internal systems change: for example, the tissues of the heart and blood vessels become more rigid, the production of certain hormones decreases, the immunity weakens. Atrophic and degenerative processes develop in various organs and tissues. As a result, it becomes more difficult to perform even the simplest tasks.

But there are people who, even in their most advanced age, retained the vigor of the body and clarity of mind. How did they do it?

Healthy life

This is perhaps the most important thing that a person who takes care of a happy longevity should take care of.

“Prevention of aging should be dealt with as soon as possible. We can say that a healthy lifestyle should be a companion of a person since childhood, ”emphasizes Olga Tkacheva and immediately adds:“ On the other hand, it is never too late to engage in the prevention of aging, that is, you can start at any age. ”

The specialist gives simple tips: eat a balanced diet, not indulge in physical exertion (even simple walks in the fresh air are useful). It would be nice to give up bad habits: smoking and alcohol add age.

“By the way, good sleep also affects the aging process,” adds Olga Tkacheva.

Catch disease

Any sore with age becomes only more - such an unpleasant law of nature.

“The older a person is, the higher his risk of developing age-related diseases: cardiovascular, cancer, type 2 diabetes, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, and, of course, Alzheimer's disease,” says Olga Tkacheva.

It is not yet possible to defeat this law - time, nevertheless, takes its toll, but it is quite realistic to prevent diseases in the early stages and to prevent them. In addition, it is very simple to pass an examination in the capital: it is enough to come to one of the Moscow health centers operating at the base of city polyclinics.

"It is necessary to identify this problem early, to engage in treatment at an early stage, and it is better to engage in prevention in general - this is also a slowing down of aging," the specialist emphasizes.

Less yes better

It’s one thing to keep an eye on your health, and another to feed yourself with medicines beyond measure.

“When a person takes a lot of medicine, this is also bad. Especially often, unfortunately, people begin to be treated themselves, listen to advertisements on TV, and neighbors recommendations. Probably, many have seen such medicine boxes in the elderly: they drink both, and the fifth, and the tenth, and this is bad for their health, because they only need to take what the doctor prescribed, ”Olga Tkacheva is sure .

And if there are a lot of health problems and a large list of drugs? And there is a solution - to contact a geriatrician with the request to balance the first-aid kit.

“The fewer the drugs, the slower the aging. This, again, does not mean that you should not follow the recommendations of the doctor. This means that you do not need to self-medicate, ”adds Olga Tkacheva.

That the mind does not idle

Single people grow old much faster - this is not a lyric, but a scientific fact. Olga Tkacheva advises in old age not to lock herself up within four walls, but on the contrary, to communicate as much as possible.

“It is imperative that social ties be preserved, one should not allow a person to be alone,” the doctor notes.

And the higher the cognitive activity of a person, that is, the more he learns, reads, solves intellectual problems, the higher the likelihood that in his old age he will be able to maintain clarity of thinking (and therefore independence).

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